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It Is Not The Idea…

Great adventures, discoveries, arts, and businesses start with an idea.

We do not have a shortage of ideas. There isn’t a monopoly of great ideas either. We live in the information age and ideas and inspiration can come from unexpected sources.

Some people seems to generate great ideas on a regular basis. Elon Musk is great example. Seth Godin writes on his blog daily. In the meantime, I struggle to come up with ideas for this blog.

But is not that I do not generate ideas, I shut down crazy ideas before they become to fruition. Here are three reason why ideas die young:

  1. Analysis paralysis: the tendency to pursue perfection, waiting for the perfect moment or waiting to have all the answer kills almost all of my ideas.
  2. Lack of bravely. The lack of courage to act on ideas have killed a lot of world changing ideas. People fear the idea being deemed stupid, they fear failure. We can say most of suffer the imposter syndrome.
  3. Execution: Once you have enough courage to share your idea with the world, the way you present it matter. Poorly presented ideas will not be taken seriously and will be forgotten shortly. But you can work out the bugs and test the idea as you go. Progress and continuous improvement can make the difference.

Millions of ideas go through our mind every day. But we only act on a few of them. Great ideas never come to fruition due to lack of confidence, fear of judgement, and lack of knowledge.

We should share ideas. No matter how wild they might seem, they might just be the ideas humanity need. Big ideas inspire humanity to dream big and reach for the stars.

If you’re not acting on your ideas, write them down or share them with others. Someone might be inspired by your ideas. Or they might get the solution they were missing.

Thank you for reading.