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Change Will Happen, Growth Will Be Optional

If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” Gail Sheehy

Change is inevitable. Change is constant. It is the only ‘guarantee’ we have in this life. For good or for worse, change will come. Whether we seek change or we fear it, it is on the horizon.

Change will be accompanied by joy or pain; but that should not be our main focus. Our main focus should be our response.

The way we respond to change shows our maturity, our wisdom, our preparedness, and our resolution.

Learning to respond or adapt to change leads to growth. Failure to learn from prior changes take us down the road of never ending crisis. Since change is constant, crisis becomes constant.

Personal growth emerges from challenges. Challenges brought by expected or unexpected changes.

Growth is a choice. You can choose to be a student of change or you can decide to be a victim.

Growth is gradual. It is a series of steps towards the right the direction. Growth is breaking the cycle. The cycle of fear, illiteracy, self victimization, and hopelessness.

Change should not be feared; it is an opportunity to learn. An opportunity to get out of our comfort zone. An opportunity to grow. And to grow is to have a life well lived.

Thank you for reading.