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Friendship is wealth. Uruku, Kenya in 2016

Money Talks but Wealth Whispers

Many people agree with the phrase Money talks. But I wanted to make the phrase a little bit spicy. After researching and googling for a while, I came upon the perfect spiced-up phrase: Money talks but wealth whispers.

Most of us confuse money with wealth.

Money can be used as a measure of wealth. But money, by itself, can not equal to wealth.

Money is a tool. It is one of the means by which we acquire goods and services. We trade our time, our most valuable resource, to earn money. But money barely buys time. Warren Buffet would probably want to buy more time in this world; but his money cannot afford him time.

Living in a fancy house shows you have money. But the fancy house does not mean you have a home. You need love, happiness, friends and family to make it a home.

Having a high income job earns you money. But it is the satisfaction that you get from your work that gives you a sense of self-worth, happiness, and purpose.

So, if money is not wealth, what is wealth?

Wealth is multifaceted. Wealth is the availability, the abundance, or the possession of useful resources. Some resources can not be created or bought.

If you’re educated, you have a wealth of knowledge. Talent is a form of wealth. Good health, youth, clean air and water, food, love, and contentment makes you wealthy.

The media might portray money as wealth, but money and fame can be a curse. Look at how many people we idolize suffer from depression. How many successful people have to commit suicide before we learn that money is not wealth? Money is not happiness, it is not health, it is not love, and it can not buy life. Money is meaningless unless we give it a purpose.

In a capitalistic society, we believe more money is the key. We get rewarded by earning the extra dollar. Another dollar allows us to satisfy our immature behavior of instant gratification. We keep running on the money treadmill.

While chasing money and buying more crap on the hedonic treadmill, we forget to slow down and be appreciative of what we already have. The fact that you can take a deep-breath-in and exhale, without any pain, means you’re already wealthy. If you can wake up and call your mom/dad, a sibling, or friend, means you have a wealth of support and love.

Wealth is similar to the wind behind your back that is pushing you forward. Some people might not see it, they might not feel it or hear it, but you can feel it – and you are appreciative of it.

Wealth is mostly invisible. It is more of a feeling, an emotion, and the acknowledgement of having enough.

Thank you for reading.